
October 14, 2015

India: A Hindu vote bank is a myth (Sagarika Ghose)

A Hindu vote bank is a myth: Beef ban or Ram mandir movement, political mobilisation of Hindus doesn’t work
October 14, 2015, 12:04 am IST Sagarika Ghose in Bloody Mary | Edit Page, India | TOI

The philosophy of the Upanishads is being sought to be transformed into a battering ram against minorities. Attempts are being made to transform Hinduism – a religion with no central panel of saints, no single church and no single godhead, its dizzying multiplicity the secret of its invincibility – into a wannabe copycat version, indeed a mirror image, of militant Islam or aggressively evangelical Christianity.

Can such a project succeed? Probably not. Those in the Sangh Parivar who have always decried the vote bank politics and ‘minority appeasement’ of their ideological rivals are themselves playing vote bank politics and majority appeasement in trying to convert Hindus into a monolithic voting block. They have failed to realise that the nature of Hinduism is such that a Hindu vote bank cannot exist. In fact, the Hindu vote bank is a myth.

After ghar wapsi and love jihad, Hindu outfits are now using meat and beef bans to create political unity among Hindus. From the statements of Sangh activists and ministers, it’s as if the lynching of Mohammad Akhlaq is only collateral damage in the larger purpose of consolidation of Hindu ‘hurt sentiments’ over alleged Muslim killing of cattle.

Yet cow slaughter and cow protection are a blast from the past, as old as Independence. In fact cow politics goes back to the 19th century campaigns of Dayanand Saraswati and the Arya Samaj in their attempts to weld nationalist Hindu forces against beef eating imperialists. If even after decades of cow politics, cow protection has failed to become a relevant political issue, has never garnered votes, how can this shop-worn agenda possibly work now in an electorate grown wise and weary of religious polarisation?

If the Hindu-Muslim question was so politically powerful would the Hindu Mahasabha not have dominated electoral politics in the post Partition years, Partition being the most incendiary intercommunity issue in the history of post Independence India? If there was indeed a Hindu vote bank even in the early decades of Independence, given the bloodily fresh memories of Partition, would a Hindu party, the Jana Sangh, not have reaped the benefits, instead of remaining only a marginal force? The Jana Sangh was able to taste national power only post 1975 when it aligned with the anti-Emergency movement led by JP.

The Akhil Bharatiya Ram Rajya Parishad, founded in 1948, was another Hindu party committed to cow protection. It won only three seats in the 1952 elections and eventually merged with the Jana Sangh. Hindu vote bank? Not really.

The high voltage Ram Janmabhoomi movement culminating in the destruction of the Babri masjid attempted to politically mobilise on an unprecedented scale. But it brought only temporary political gains and BJP was pushed to the margins in UP for almost two decades after the Babri demolition.

In Gujarat, BJP has come closest perhaps to carving out a Hindu vote bank. But even here, as the recent Patel agitation only confirms, the fault lines within Hinduism are being challenged by caste and income divides.

Even Narendra Modi as a successful Gujarat chief minister had to re-invent his image from a Hindu Hriday Samrat to governance icon for a wider appeal beyond the state in 2014. For the traditional BJP voter Modi may have been a Chatrapati Shivaji-like ‘masculine’ Hindu figure, but the crucial incremental vote hardly came from religious sentiment in 2014. Even so, this majority NDA government rules with the lowest vote share – only 31% – among all the majority governments ever in India.

Today, pan-Islamism as a doctrine has failed and warring sects now fight blood feuds across the globe. In India pan-Hinduism has never even existed as a national phenomenon; it is defined rather by its co-existing sects.

Yet politicians persist in seeing Hinduism in radically different terms to how most Hindus see themselves. Sadhvi Prachi and Sakshi Maharaj are trying to create a warlike semitised version of Hinduism, in their determined bid to imitate the violent strands of Islamism. So enamoured and imitative are they of violent Islamism, so keen to copy the Pakistan model, that they have paradoxically turned their back on the unique characteristics of sanatan dharma.

This is a faith which, even after Mahmud of Ghazni sacked Somnath, lived on in hidden shrines and homes, so adaptable, so much a ‘little tradition’ that it was unconquerable. Without a visible church or an established clergy, what tangible entity is there to conquer?

In a culture where vegetarians and non-vegetarians often co-exist in the same family, where food choices are governed by a massive variety of cultural norms, policing food is bound to create a severe backlash. Also, attempts to create a Hindu vote bank always lead to sharpening caste and even class divides as instruments of mobilisation like the cow or Sanskrit are easily perceived as threats of upper caste dominance.

Lalu Prasad’s statement that there are Hindus who eat beef, is an astute articulation that for many Hindus the beef ban is a brahminical upper caste holy cow. And who can say that Lalu is a lesser Hindu than Modi?

A Hindu vote bank is thus maya, an illusion and Sangh foot soldiers are inevitably pushed to frustrated violence because they are pursuing an illusion. The Sangh and BJP must give up this pursuit and instead build themselves as a modern 21st century force. The many streams of the Ganga are too ancient, too all sustaining to ever become a political water cannon in the hands of a few.