
July 12, 2008

Anti Christian Violence in Orissa Again

(From Kandamahal Orissa received via D Panda [Also see related news reports posted below])

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Jesuit House, Church, Orphanage Attacked By Hindutva Goons Again

From John Dayal In Balliguda, Kandhamal, Orissa [12 July 2008]

Anti Christian violence flared up in Kandhamal again this afternoon, six and a half months after the disastrous attacks of Christmas 2007 which left more than a hundred churches and institutions destroyed and thousands homeless.

A Jesuit father's house, a church and a christen-run orphanage were attacked and partly destroyed today by followers of Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Lakshmanananda Saraswati. Police were at the spot in Tumudiband in Malikpada. Police were also guarding many of the major churches which had been burnt in December 2007 by VHP and RSS hordes. At this time there is no report of human casualties though several forest roads are reported blocked and small town bazaars have downed their shutters.

National Integration Council member John Dayal, who had come to participate in a human rights meeting was in Balliguda. Orissa Archbishop Raphael Cheenath, who had also come for the same meeting had just returned to Bhubaneswar after meeting local authorities.

First reports said trouble broke out when some Hindu Dalit Panos villagers of Tumudiband were bring some beef to their homes when they were accosted by one Bulu Chauduri or Madhaba Baba and his followers.
They also tried to take photograph of the villagers with their mobile telephone cameras. The villagers requested him to delete the picture but the Baba did not lisen to them. Finally the villagers are reported to have snatched the mobile phone. There was an exchange of words.

The baba went to his Ashram Jalesh Pata situated 8 Km from the Mallicpadi and apparently informed Lakhsmanananda who immediately rushed to the spot. Nearby schools immediately closed down and sent the children were sent to the Mallickpadi village where local women soon gathered. Seeing the crowed Lakshmanananda Saraswati returned and held a meeting at Tumudibandha town.

Mr. Joyab Paraset, an eyewitness said over the telephone "The local Catholic Church and the Bhagban Ashram orphanage run by a Christian Mr. Satpati were attacked. Th house of the Jesuit priest was ravaged and a church statue smashed. There were no Catholic priests in the house at the time of the attack. The house cook fled for his life. The orphanage has been demolished fully and the children are on the road." Catholic leaders locally told Dr Dayal three statues were damaged or destroyed in the violence though no one was hurt.
The district superintendent of police told Dr Dayal the situation had been brought under control and road traffic had been restored.
Fr. Mukund Balligarsingh said "I cannot come back to the office, the shops of Raikia town have been closed and people have fled."

A sense of panic gripped various parts of this district. Rumours are flying thick and fast that RSS workers have once again felled trees and blocked forest roads, though there was no independent confirmation from other than the Raikia region."

A judicial commission headed by retired high court judge Basudev Panigrahi appointed to probe the December 2007 anti Christian violence is to begin hearings in the district headquarter town of Phulbani from 14th July. A civil society tribunal finished hearings in Phulbani yesterday.

Dr Dayal can be contacted at a temporary mobile number 09868837200 in Kandhamal where vodaphone does not work


See Recent News Reports Below:

Uneasy Calm after Communal Clash
The Telegraph - July 10 , 2008

Patrolling intensified in Kandhamal
Hindu, India - July 10, 2008