The new chief minister of Uttar Pradesh who campaigned for the 2017 UP assembly elections had repeatedly signalled should he be elected he would move to make the Ram Temple at the highly contentious site of the demolished Babri moque, knowing fully well that the matter is still subjudice.
the newspapers reports of 21 march 2017 told us that the chief justice of supreme court of India proposed and out of court settlement
large number of newspapers editorials and commentators want the court
not to shirk its responsibility settle this highly contentious matter
that has lingered for years.
But the UP govt is in a great rush they have moved fast (or is it the BJP IT cell at work?)
check out the UP govt site:
UP govt seems to moving pretty fast on the Ayodhya issue - just 2 days ago the Chief Justice Supreme court of India suggest and out of court settlement |
March 23, 2017
Within 48 hours of Supreme Court Chief Justice suggesting an out court route for Ayodhya dispute case the UP Govt has gone ahead and set up an official on line opinion poll on Ayodhya
Babari Masjid,
Court cases,