The Aljazeera TV runs a show Head to Head conducted by renowned journalist Mehdi Hasan in which personalities are grilled on their world-view. On December 7, Ram Madhav, an ideologue of RSS/BJP appeared on it. I was expected to be there but for reasons of logistics could not be there. I am forwarding a short report of this show which a young Oxford scholar, Mr. Aman Kapoor has sent after being part of the show. Ram Madhav as per the report had difficult time there, a heartening news. This programme will be aired on December 25th.
S. Islam
Report from Mr. Aman Kapoor:
Debate at Oxford Union was very interesting. Mehndi Hassan literally grilled Ram Madhav. It was visible from his body language that he was not feeling comfortable. RM also got booed several time during discussion. He also made fun of him self in front of audience by giving obscure replies to Mehndi's questions. The questions which you suggested me to ask RM were already asked by Mehndi Hassan during the debate. I think Al Jaeera team really liked your questions and thought that they should be asked by Mehndi Hassan rather than by an audience (me). When I went to Oxford Union, a guy from Al Jazeera team came to me and suggested me to ask the 5th question from my list of questions i.e
5) To promote Bhagvad Gita (HIndu scripture) Haryana govt. is giving 1 million rupees to it's 21 districts. On the other hand govt. doesn't have funds for cleanliness of cities, education and other basic necessities. Does this actions by govt. not lead to promotion of Hindutva (Hinduness)? How is govt. allowed to promote a specific religion from tax payers money?
so, I asked him this question and he replied "If other religious groups in Haryana would like their holly book to be promoted then they should approach government and government will probably do something for them as well". I personally didn't find his reply satisfying.
Overall it was very good experience, seeing a BJP leader getting grilled in front of so many people. Programme will be broadcasted in UK on 25th December so, I will try to save it for you.
with love,