
February 01, 2015

India: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - Killed by boring history textbooks

Times of India - January 30, 2015

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Killed by boring history textbooks

Anahita Mukherji in Point and Shoot | India | TOI

Sixty-seven-years of deathly boring history textbooks have helped bury Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as efficiently as Nathuram Godse’s bullets felled the man. Godse appears far more dynamic for many young Indians today than the benevolent Mahatma smiling down at us from the walls of government offices and currency notes. By turning Gandhi into a caricature of goodness and purity, a self-righteous, docile school-monitor of sorts, we have effectively defanged Gandhi of his more revolutionary ideas.

What of the man who dipped into the sea at Dandi and picked up a fistful of salt in a spectacular act of defiance against a British government that had heavily taxed salt and made it illegal to possess salt not bought from the government? What of the man who disobeyed unjust laws because he felt they were morally wrong? What of the young lawyer thrown off a train at Pietermaritzburg because a white man did not want to share a compartment with a brown man, who went on to mobilise Indians to combat racism in South Africa? What of the man who called for a boycott on British goods after the Jallianwalla Baugh massacre, exhorted people to throw all their Britain-made clothes in one heap before him, and then lit a match and made a bonfire of them? And all this while holding on to a firm belief in non-violence. His weapon of choice_Satyagraha, or the force of truth. A tad more revolutionary than the trigger-happy 30-something who gunned down an unarmed 78-year-old at a prayer meeting.

“Passivity riled him,” writes Gandhi’s biographer Louis Fisher of the man, adding that he had “not a single passive fibre in his body.” Has it been a conscious decision on the part of successive governments to project Gandhi as a passive, docile old man rather than Gandhi the rebel who enthused the youth to take on governments? The use of Gandhi as a symbol of Swachch Bharat only reinforces the idea of a passive, benevolent Gandhi. While it’s true that Gandhi held cleanliness dear to him, little is projected of how he cleaned his own toilets in a bid to challenge the caste system, which relegated toilet-cleaning to lower castes. Would Gandhi-the-rebel have been as troublesome an idea to Indian governments as he was to the British?

Bollywood film-maker Raj Kumar Hirani deserves much credit for resurrecting Gandhi as a youth icon with his film Lage Raho Munna Bhai, where he popularised the idea of “Gandhigiri” to combat corruption today. Soon after its release, a young college student told me she was drawn to Gandhi’s ideas only after she watched Lage Raho Munna Bhai, before which Godse was the man she admired most.

Turning Gandhi into a Mahatama may have contributed to the early demise of his ideas, sharply polarising those who hate him and those who put him on a pedestal and worship him. The allowance for a studied critique of Gandhi could help counter unstudied ones emanating from a religious right wing which stresses on unsubstantiated claims of “minority appeasement” while forgetting that the father of a secular nation drew his strength from Hinduism.

Over the years, Prothoma Rai Choudhuri, political science professor at St Xavier’s College, Kolkata, has witnessed a sharp polarisation of views on Gandhi amongst her students. “There are some who deify him and revere him for no particular reason. On the other hand, every year I see those who have a distinctly negative assessment of Gandhi and believe he intervened in ways that prevented history from taking its own course. But like all polarised opinion, neither reflects the truth,” she says, pointing to the need to understand Gandhi without seeking to praise or bury him.

A critical appreciation of Gandhi may well be the best way to understand a charismatic man who brought together idealism and pragmatism in ingenious ways.

Unlike the politicians of today who hire PR agencies to air brush their image, Gandhi was brutally honest about his flaws and documented then in painstaking detail. Maybe a study of his weaknesses may paint a more human portrait of a man now relegated to postage stamps and wall-calendars.