
June 03, 2014

India: Suddenly Baba and Guruji have changed their philosophy... they were against 49% FDI

Suddenly Baba and Guruji have changed their philosophy...
they were against 49% FDI during UPA !!!
Now they are supporting 100% FDI in Defense, in Media, in many other sectors !!!

Where are the custodians of Swadeshi????

चित भी मेरी, पट भी मेरी !!!
बाबाजी और गुरूजी 49% FDI का विरोध कर रहे थे... आज वही स्वदेशी के ढोंगी डिफेंस में, मीडिया में 100% FDI का समर्थन कर रहे हैं !!!