
September 05, 2022

India: How Hindi film adaptations align with the Hindutva project | Akshat Jain

 Setting the Scene
How Hindi film adaptations align with the Hindutva project
AKSHAT JAIN <https://caravanmagazine.in/author/68197>, Caravan magazine
31 August 2022

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The fantasy of Hinduism is a world in which different people are treated
differently, where the powerful few—usually upper-caste Hindu men—rule over
the rest. In the Hindu Rashtra, this is not only possible but regularised
as state policy. By feeding a Hindu cultural ideal, Hindi cinema has long
aided this project. In that sense, adaptations of foreign films are no
different culturally from original Hindi cinema. But, when compared to
their international counterparts, they reveal the Brahminical project that
is Bollywood.