H Raja, an ex-MLA and the BJP’s national secretary, posted a photo of a voter ID card, which appeared to show actor Vijay’s name as Joseph Vijay. Raja wrote, “Truth is bitter.”
Raja had earlier said that he was also trying to establish if the producer of Tamil film, Mersal, Hema Rukmani, too was a Christian.
This was after Rukmani rubbished media reports that said the producer
had agreed to delete the scene with references to GST in Mersal.
appears that, according to the BJP, anyone who is not Hindu does not
have the right to criticise the government policy regardless of its
adverse impact of on the population. Raja’s controversial act also
suggests that one needed to practice the Hindu faith to be able to
exercise his or her right to freedom of speech.SEE FULL TEXT AT: http://www.jantakareporter.com/india/bjp-stoops-low-posts-vijay/156217/