
August 19, 2017

India: Sabka Bharat - A National Campaign

Sabka Bharat
A National Campaign 

Today the threat to our Nation is clear and imminent. The enemy isn’t external but internal; It is physical with an abstract and powerful ideology. The enemy is about destroying everything that we hold dear about the idea of India, its diversity, it’s inclusiveness, big heartedness and its incredibleness. 

Today we are in danger of losing our freedom and sense of equality and belongingness of being one nation. There is hatred, discord and divisiveness, being spread like poison. The rule of Law has been overtaken by mob violence and the powerful have become indestructible.Today divisions within the country are being created which will haunt our children’s children for years to come.

Sabka Bharat is conceived as a campaign by ordinary people to stand against these forces, whose abstract ideas for a Hindu nation is being pushed through a political agenda as well as a social agenda. The BJP/RSS have a clear focus that this nation should become a Hindu nation founded on the principles of the Manusmriti. Though the reality is some distance off, the methods and focus is undeniably evident. If it’s not checked now, it is only a matter of time that this will be a reality.

Sabka Bharat aims at bringing people of India  to come together to safeguard this nation and the Indian Constitution that we all hold dear. The call is to every thinker, reformer, non-government organization and activist, who have over the years worked tirelessly to protect the ideals of the Constitution. 

This call is for ordinary citizens to take a stand. Fence sitting is not an option. Clear battle lines have been drawn between an India governed by the universal principles enshrined in the Constitution or a nation defined by the Manusmriti. We cannot afford not to choose. 

We call upon you as fellow Indians, to stand and fight for the soul of this nation. The threat is clear and present. We need you to rally and stand for the Idea of India as birthed by the blood of our fathers. 

Sabka Bharat plans to mobilise people district wise  across India to go and submit memorandums to the district collectors, organise public meetings, distribute leaflets, perform, organise flash mobs and skits across cities taking a clear stand : 

1. To safeguard the Constitution of India 
2. To oppose the Hindu Rashtra 
3. To celebrate and safeguard diversity and pluralism. 

Sabka Bharat will begin its mobilisation beginning September 1 in 16 districts of UP with approx 1000 people in each district. A detailed plan will be discussed with you. 

Sabka Bharat is one of many campaigns that are being organised/ conceived and would work to compliment various ideas that are being developed by various groups. 

We are writing to request you to be part of the campaign. 

Kindly let us know if  you as an individual / your organisation is ready to endorse Sabka Bharat campaign. 

Endorsing Sabka Bharat means : 
1. Giving the name of your organisation or your name
2. Devoting as much time as possible for you and your group. 
3. Mobilising people to join the campaign where ever you have presence. 
4. Help in mobilising resources according to one's capacity
5.Help in spreading the word though media /social media. 
6. Attend the programmes as speakers/ participants/ organisers. 
7. Help in writing , developing content for the facebook page, leaflets
8. design- leaflets, posters, banners 
9. Please do let us know if you can organise Sabka Bharat programmes in your districts. 

if there are some friends who do not want to give their names but can help the campaign please do write to us. 

A small secretariat will start functioning from Anhad office , C 5 , basement, Nizamuddin West, New Delhi-110013 for coordinating the work from August 21, 2017. 

Sabka Bharat will soon announce a core coordinating team.

on behalf of 
Sabka Bharat


Note: Sabka Bharat has been initiated by a no of individuals who have been working on the ground in UP. They were referred to ANHAD by a fellow activist last month.