
May 02, 2017

Invitatiton to Press conference of Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy (3 May 2017, New Delhi)

You are cordially invited to attend a press conference organized by the Delhi chapter of 'Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy'.

Time: 2:45 pm, Date: 3rd May, 2017, Wednesday

Venue: Press Club of India (Conference Room, first floor)
1, Raisina Road, New Delhi 110001 (nearest metro station: Central Secretariat)
Agenda: The Supreme Court of India is scheduled to hear important petitions concerning the issue of Triple talaq among other things (on 11-14 May), and Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy (IMSD), which is a forum of Muslims drawn from various professions committed to the primacy of Indian Constitution, feels strongly about it. We want to share our views on the petition at this press conference.

Members of IMSD subscribe to the view that the core values of Islam – equality, justice, compassion and peace – are in consonance with the principles enshrined in the Indian Constitution and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. IMSD seeks to address issues facing the Indian Muslim community nationally and internationally. However, it views the problems within the community as its primary concern.

Looking forward to meet you all. Kindly confirm if you wish to attend the meet by sending us an SMS or email: 9810379016, 9818690910. delhiimsd@gmail.com

Thanking you

Yousuf Saeed, Khadijah Farouqui, Saif Mahmood, Zulaikha Jabeen, Askari Zaidi, Masooma Ranalvi, Javed Anand and others.