Joshi-Adhikari Institute of Social Studies (JAISS)
Delhi, 25th November, 2015
Dear friends,
We are passing through difficult times. The present conjuncture is without precedent. Never before the Idea of India as it evolved in the course of our long freedom struggle, was threatened as rudely as it is today. The plurality, diversity and secularism which constitute the very essence of that Idea, are being mocked or trivialized by the government of the day. Intolerance and arrogance seem to characterize the attitude and responses of the establishment. Gross attempts are being made to replace the core democratic values by a majoritarian and unitarian political agenda inspired by a distorted and imaginary perspective of the past and the present.
The challenge needs to be met at all levels: intellectual, political, societal and popular. Already the spontaneous protests by writers, artists, scholars and scientists have shown that the conscience of the society cannot be muted or drowned by the government propaganda and machinations.
As part of the larger endeavour to confront the challenge facing our country, Joshi-Adhikari Institute of Social Studies (JAISS) proposes to organize a symposium on 2nd December, 2015 on the theme of “Resisting Communalism and Intolerance: Strengthening Democracy”. Please find the tentative schedule and other details in the attachment.
It is envisaged that the symposium will address the challenge of saffronisation looming large in the fields of education, history, research, art and culture. This will be followed by discussion on the developing grave threat to the process of democratization itself including the overt and covert attempts being made to erode the basics of the Constitution of the Republic.
We would be grateful if you would kindly participate in the symposium. We expect the sessions to be interactive and your presence will be of great value.
A line of confirmation will be appreciated.
Looking forward to your cooperation and in solidarity,
A. B. Bardhan S. P. Shukla
Chairperson President
Joshi-Adhikari Institute of Social Studies,
Room No. 8, Ajoy Bhawan, 15, Indrajeet Gupt Marg,
Delhi-110002. Contact: 011-23211732, 9893192740. Email:,