
October 10, 2013

India: Hindutva Right wing peddles fake email attributed to Mark Tully | Gillian Wright says this mail is fake

Screen grab from Sanghparivar.org - 10 Oct 2013
Italian by Birth and Roman Catholic by Baptism: Article on Sonia by John Maclithon (Mark Tully)
John Maclithon (Mark Tully) on Indian Politics and why Hindu Dharma will survive
I was surprised when the Congress party gave me a Padma Shri – I am the only foreign journalist to ever get it. For, in my forty years of political reporting in India, I have always been a vocal critic of the Nehru dynasty. Someone even called me recently: “ a vitriolic British journalist, who in his old age chose to live back in the land he never approved”.
Full text at: http://www.sanghparivar.org/italian-by-birth-and-roman-catholic-by-baptism-article-on-sonia-by-john-maclithon-mark-tully

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British journalist Mark Tully's wife describes as 'bogus' email on Sonia Gandhi
PTI | Oct 10, 2013, 03.41 PM IST