The Deviousness of the Hindutva with the BJP Heading it has been Exposed with these posters that have SUDDENLY appeared in ALL TRAIN COMPARTMENTS leaving Gujarat TODAY. That it is a BJP and Modi backed move is clear from the fact Subramaniam Swamy - a favourite with television anchors-- is seen in the visual...
Will the BJP be held to account for this communalising of the atmosphere when it comes to the Rule of Law?
Should criminality where ever it occurs not be prosecuted?
Will the Noisy Newshour put the Hindutva Party, BJP and Modi in the Dock for this kind of Poster?
No priizes for the answer..
See this Sinister Poster Up in Trains emerging from Gujarat...
Send Protest Letters to the Media and the Prime Minister and Home Minister Against this Communalisation of the Public Sphere
Demand Action by the Gujarat Government and DGP against those who printed and were allowed to paste these posters