
December 03, 2009

A report on Hyderabad Candle Light Vigil Against Terrorism

A report on Candle Light Vigil To Fight Terrorism
Commemorating Mumbai Terror Attacks (26/11)


COVA in association with other Peace loving concerned citizens and Civil Society Organisations held commemoration of the sorrowful day to condemn the terror attacks on Mumbai, which took place on 26/11, last year, and to show solidarity to the families of the affected, a Candle Light Vigil was organized today.the 26th November 2009 at 11 Am at Oxford Grammar School, Street No.11, Himayath Nagar, Hyderabad.

Among the Prominent citizens who spoke on this occasion were Mr.Veda Kumar, Chelimi Foundation, Mrs.Sanghamitra Malik, Apna Watan, Mr.Jampa Krishna Kishore, Jana Vignana Vedika, Mr.Srinivas Reddy, Apsa, Mr.Mohammed Turab, COVA, Ms.Noorjahan Siddiqui, COVA Kasturba Gandhi Peace Centre, Mr.Mohammed Ghouse, COVA-ICAN participated in this commemoration along with the students of Oxford Grammer School.

At the outset two minutes silence was observed to pay homage to the martyrs of that day. Students expressed their anguished feelings on the horror. “Stand united and integrated to blow off the Evil Forces. Nothing can divide us. Unity is our strength,” said a class IX student Praneeta of Oxford Grammar School. Some students said that no religion supports terrorism but to check the dangers from outside, we also have to see lapses in our security systems and make them perfect. In the time of danger we should not isolate ourselves in the name of religion, caste, region or language but must assert as Indian first to have unity to deal with such situations. We should not mix religion with terrorism but deal them separately.

Need to find root causes of the space easily available to the terrorist were emphasized. Mr. Veda Kumar spoke of prevailing inequalities and suppression giving rise to violence in the society and said that we have to ensure equal opportunities to all. Ms. Sanghamitra Malik narrated her experience of travel from Hyderabad to Mumbai on that fateful night and the calls coming on mobiles to all the passengers unaware of the happenings. Next morning when she reached Mumbai whatever she saw on the railway station she had composed in a poem, she recited for the present audience.

The following Peace Resolution moved by Dr.Mantosh Mandal and passed by all the present:

“We the concerned citizens of Hyderabad condemn terrorism unequivocally whatever be the circumstances or causes invoked.

“We appeal to the religious leaders of all religions to declare in clear and unequivocal terms that their respective religions have no sanction whatsoever for terrorism and that on the contrary, terrorism is denounced. In this context, we appreciate the Fatwah issued by the Deoband Seminary and the recent resolution passed by the conference of Muslim Clerics/Scholars held by Jamiat ul Ulema e Hind in Hyderabad fully endorsing it.

“We firmly believe that although prevention and combating of terrorism and managing the aftermath of terrorist attacks are in the main, the responsibilities of the governments and their security agencies, civil society and the NGOs, working with different communities have a role to perform in all the three phases of counter terrorism viz. to provide to appropriate authorities, information likely to be useful for prevention of terrorist acts or mitigation of their adverse effects.

“We urge the government to take immediate action on the following matters:

“Complete eradication of communalism in any form in the public domain, promulgation of the communal violence prevention Act as undertaken in the NCMP; the establisment of Equal Opportunity Commission; the formulation of the Diversity Index; implementation of Police Reforms as directed by the Supreme Court; necessary reforms in all other spheres of governance such as Electoral Laws, Criminal Justice System, without further delay as several recommendations in these resects by duly appointed Commissions are long pending. The strengthening of the Security and Intelligence Agencies and equipping them with the latest technological tools.

“We urge upon the media and the civil society groups, community leaders and political parties to bear national interest in mind and observe self discipline and restraint, while reporting or speaking on matters relating to terrorist acts and counter-terrorism measures.”

At last with one voice all said that we have gathered here to show to the world that Hyderabad loves peace, lives in peace and harmony and cares for lives of all.

Mohammed Turab
Executive Secretary-COVA