
January 18, 2008

Hum - a play about the civil society of communal fascist laboratory

Dear Friends and Comrades,

A new thought provoking play 'HUM' of Samvedan Cultural Programme is ready for stage. We are opening it on 26th and 27th January 2008 [Behaviourial Science Center, Saint Xavier's College Campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad]. You are invited with your family and friends to see, debate and give your comments for the play.

Yes, it will open the Pandora's Box of so many questions and comments. It is a play about the civil society of communal fascist laboratory. It is based on true stories of Gujarat 2002 genocide's two women victims and civil society's approach towards them in last 6 years. What is their fate? Where are they today? With all the good intentions, what civil society has done to them? Are we ready to learn from our mistakes as a civil society?

We believe that asking the disturbing questions about the responsibilities of the civil society is the duty of theatre. Theatre is not only a means of entertainment to the society, but in dark times theatre should disturb the society so that it can wake up and try to find the ways in darkness. Theatre should shake and mobilise the civil society to take corrective measures; if possible.

So you are coming to see, debate and give your comments for the play. Details are attached.

Waiting for you,
Hiren Gandhi
Saroop Dhruv