
February 11, 2007

Speak up every time a Fanaa or Parzania is 'banned'

(The Times of India
Feb 11, 2007)

Speak up every time a Fanaa or Parzania is 'banned'

by Meena Iyer

Last year, a few political parties in Gujarat forced a ban on Kunal Kohli's Fanaa. The film was targeted because its lead actor, Aamir Khan, endorsed the rights of people who were displaced by the Narmada project.

This time, Rahul Dholakia's Parzania, which deals with a child who went missing during the Gujarat riots, has been attacked by a few communal outfits like Bajrang Dal. Fearing violence, distributors have refused to release the film in Gujarat.

Kunal Kohli , director of Fanaa, tells Meena Iyer that if people don't raise their voice against injustice they stand to lose the right to speak:

What is your reaction to Parzania being blacked out in Gujarat?

Fanaa was not banned in Gujarat. Parzania has also not been banned in Gujarat. The producers are free to release these films in Gujarat, but no theatre will show them as they are 'banned'. Ironical haan?

Maybe the producers of Parzania do not want to release their film in Gujarat! Maybe because Parzania is a work of fiction, nobody was killed in any riots, and no children are missing! Why then should a film like this be released and simply cause turmoil in a state?

Since there is no official ban, there probably should be one. There should be a ruling passed that any film based on such fictitious events should be banned in public interest.

It is being insinuated that if Parzania is screened in Gujarat, it may lead to riots?

Since you and I form this public let me ask you a question. What will you do when you are shown a film about riots?

Will you take to the streets and start rioting? Of course not. I wonder which film started all these riots?

Honestly, do riots start only after watching films? Is this why some parties are objecting? And they keep saying they are banning Parzania in public interest!

What do you suggest should be done to ensure that such bans don't become the order of the day?
Very simply, continue to do what you are doing. Keep quiet. Don't say anything. Don't protest. Don't raise your voice.

Anger and indignation aside, what do you suggest we do?

Public opinion and public voice can resolve issues. Didn't it reopen the Jessica Lall case? You do have the power. What are you waiting for? What happens in our country affects us all, let us not keep quiet. We spoke last year and Manu Sharma is in jail.
Speak up, again, every time there is a Jessica Lall, every time a Fanaa or Parzania is not released anywhere in the country. Speak up, so it doesn't happen again. Speak up, because you can. Speak up, because it is your right.

Speak up, so you never lose that right, because if you don't speak up, you will lose that right.