
May 17, 2006

"Protecting Minorities": The BJP Way

(May 16, 2006)



BJP, disoriented from desperation, harrumphed and then, as per its Pavlovian wont, hectored in New Delhi on May 16, 2006, that it would launch a nation-wide stir in three instalments from May 20-27, June 7-15, June 23-30. Thus will it assure itself that it is not yet dead, and its robotic cadres
that they need not fear unemployment. Tactics for itself, strategy for the lumpens! Tactics, i.e., temporizing, time-serving, bending to the winds.

Why the stir?

First, because all fascist formations in history have had per force to remain ever febrile, perpetually in the bellicose mode. Drill is essential for keeping the hordes of hacks and henchmen in line, economically engaged, and messianically consumed. Mission: empty the nation of the "other", the "foreigners", i.e., in plain words, the minorities. Paradigm: Gujarat 2002, as scorched and blackened for ever by the ex-CM (canteen manager).

Second, because it believes that terrorists have conspired to empty Doda and Udhampur (Jammu and Kashmir) of the minorities. Superficially, this cooked-up stir would appear to be quite noble. Standing up for the minorities sounds good.

But the hypocrisy and hollowness of this BJP stance is too evident to escape ridicule and denunciation.

When the minorities - Muslims in their thousands and Christians in scores were raped, robbed, killed, torched alive, their properties looted, their assets to the tune of crores movable and immovable stolen and misappropriated - not only in Gujarat of Modi, 2002, but in all BJP-run states, during the ignominious rule of National Destruction Alliance at the centre, BJP did not stir into action, felt no qualms of conscence, no commitment to the Constitution, no shame, no call to duty. Dereliction of duty on its part was lauded and justified by it as "serving the cause of Hindutva". The victims were not asked how their rape, pillage, murder, "served the cause".

A similar mindset, this time of the "terrorists" in Jammu, may be resorting to the same tactics, the one notoriously patented and propagated by BJP-VHP-RSS-BajDal, in a similar bid to "serve a cause".

Now which "cause" is worth thousands of lives, and which just a score or two, may be debatable, depending on who the arbiter is.

But what is not debatable is, the massacre of minorities in their thousands, by the state of Gujarat, connived at by the NDA in 2002. No nation-wide stir then occurred, not by any political party nor any religious party, nor a few scattered denunciations deterred the BJP drive of emptying Gujarat of Muslims, its minorities, which continuies still, with total impunity and subversion of the Constitution.

If that massive emptying of genocidal proportions in Gujarat 2002 was fine and dandy, for the saffronazi traitors and terrorists, then their kin, the terrorists in Jammu, find their "action" fine and dandy. The mindset is the same. Though the mission may not be piddling, not so grand as that of the BJP.
But it is outrageous not to call the Gujarat genocide terrorist carnage, and righteously scream at the Doda killings. Those lacking morals and human values cannot afford pretending to be preceptors and arbiters of ethics.

Rabble rousing is OK. Because. BJP politics is no more than that. Some "yatra" to stoke fires, some march to bleed tha nation - beyond this BJP knows and can do nothing better, nothing else. It is in its genes savagely criminal, irredeemably corrupt, incurably treasonous.

Otherwise, in sheer shame at its past and present crimes and scams it would have kept quiet, if not contritely, at least tactically, temporally. It is soaked in hatred, violence, divisiveness, and demolition fixation. Nothing can whitewash its crimes, its crimes against the minorities, crimes against the nation, crimes against humanity. From which it never stinted, never tired. It has been anti-national from inception. It will die anti-national.