
May 02, 2024

India: 'Set up establish Peace and Harmony Committees' says Statement from Society of Communal Harmony - May 1, 2024

 [May 1, 2024]


The Society of Communal Harmony condemns and deprecates any attempts whether by word or deed at tearing the social fabric  and  social peace in India. The need of the times is to establish Peace and Harmony Committees in every City, Town, Mohalla, Basti and Hamlet in our country. Such committees, comprising  a diversity of  leading citizens  would promote good neighborliness, seek to verify and quell any unfounded rumours, maintain calm and also endeavour to deny civic space to anti-social elements of whatever persuasion. We have had successful examples of such efforts to establish Mohalla committees both before and after independence. Gandhijiand PanditNehru, accorded importance to local neighbourhood-level work. Speaking in September 1946 at a meeting of Faizabad residents, Narendra Deva emphasized the need to organize Mohalla Committees: Gandhiji, Jawaharlalji, Many other prominent national leaders had actively promoted the idea which served to establish timely communication and to remove the basis for mutual misunderstandings arising from lack of communication or otherwise.These serve to  fill social voids and  to enhance feelings  of mental and physical security among residents.

The Society for Communal Harmony, which had been founded by stalwarts like Bishamber Nath Pandey and Maulana Ali Miyan will embark on this mission on May Day, and calls on all like-minded organisations  to associate with them in this effort or conduct similar campaigns in their spheres of activity. At this auspicious moment we recall to ourselves the essence of the message :

Mazhab nahin sikhata aapas mein bair rakhna
Hindi hain hum watan hai Hindostan hamara

Dr Syeda Hameed- 9810118987
Anil Nauriya  - 9868900888

Saiyidain Manzil 
267A, Jamia Nagar
New Delhi 110 025