
September 13, 2008

Anhad is organising a Youth Convention in Madhya Pradesh

State Youth Convention
Bol Ke Lab Azaad Hain Tere
Bhopal Madhya Pradesh
October 2008

As part of a two long month 'Save Democracy Campaign' * in Madhya Pradesh , Anhad has announced two competitions for youth residing in Madhya Pradesh (age18-30yrs) .

While the Youth Convention is open to all in Madhya Pradesh ( age group18-30) for those who wish to get their voices heard will have to take part in two competitions.

1. Essay Writing Competition
Last Date : 30 September, 2008
Langugae: Hindi or English
Subject: Indian Constitution & the assault on its values
Word limit: 800-1500 words.
80 best entries will be selected and will qualify for the second round of the competition.Selected candidates will be given merit certificates and prizes also.

2. Elocution Competition
Date: 10 October 2008 ( in case of any change the selected candidates will be notified)
Time Limit: 3-4 minutes
Language: Hindi or English

After qualifying the first round the selected 80 candidates will take part in this round.

Participants will have to speak on any of the following subjects:
1. State of Dalits and assault on their constitutional rights
2. State of women in madhya Pradesh
3. Communalsim: danger to our Democracy
4. Privatization of Education and its effect on ordinary citizens
5. Globalization and its effect on farmers
6.State of Adivasis and challenges faced by them
7.Criminalisation of Politics and its effect on society
8. Dream of an equal and just society: Challenge in front of the Youth

three speakers on each subject will be selected. they will be given two days training in content and public speaking. Selected candidates will be given merit certificates and prizes also.

The selected candidates will be the main speakers for the Youth Convention to be held in October in Bhopal.

Please send your entries to
Anhad, G-2, Aditi Apartment, Plot No E-8/ 352, Trilanga, Bhopal
Tel- 0755- 4285213

Please circulate to young people in Madhya Pradesh


Shabnam Hashmi

'Save Democracy Campaign' * was launched in Madhya Pradesh on September 10th. A large number fo organsations from Madhya Pradesh have come together in this campaign. They include: People's Research Society( Bhopal), Sandarbh( Indore), BGVS, All India Secular Forum, Jan Pahal, Lok Sagarsh Manch, HRLN.