
August 08, 2008

Tribunal on the Atrocities Committed Against Minorities in the Name of Fighting Terrorism (Hyderabad, 22-24 August, 2008)

People’s Tribunal on the Atrocities Committed Against Minorities in the Name of Fighting Terrorism

August 22-24, 2008, Hyderabad

Each time there is a bomb blast, the Indian State reaches out its ’long arms of injustice’ to pick a scapegoat from amidst the Indian population to cover up its own incompetence in providing security to its citizens.

What we have witnessed in the last decade is that after each blast or surprise violent act, arrests are made, organisations named but the police and investigative agencies have not been able to prove their claims in any of the cases. But the people arrested continue to languish in jails or suffer other kinds of victimisation. It is very disturbing as it shows that the agencies responsible for the security of the people are incapable and to cover their inefficiency, they keep abducting people from the minority community which are produced at their chosen time. The real culprits remain at bay and the threat remains undiminished.

Anhad, Human Rights Law Network and Peace in collaboration with a number of organisations from Andhra Pradesh is organising a people’s tribunal to document the atrocities committed on innocent people especially from the minority community in the name of fighting terrorism by the state.

The tribunal is inviting cases from across India. The cases of victims who will depose in front of the tribunal are being documented in advance by a team of Anhad volunteers in different states. The report of the tribunal will be published within two months after the Tribunal is over.

The Tribunal Committee will bear the travel expenses and local hospitality for those who come to depose and one accompanying activist from each state.

We are writing to you with the request to support this tribunal by helping us identify such cases from your state and sending them to Hyderabad to depose before the tribunal as well as participate in the tribunal.

We are enclosing the format for the case histories.


Shabnam Hashmi (Anhad)

Colin Gonsalves (Human Rights Law Network)

Anil Choudhary (Peace)

Office: 23, Canning lane, New Delhi-110001/ Tel-01123070740/ 22

format for the case histories