
August 29, 2008

One India: Two Peoples - Holy cows & scapegoats

by Subhas Gatade - August 29, 2008

[....It is difficult to say what will happen next !

Whether the police and security forces would understand their folly and would release Tariq Ahmad Batloo unconditionally or whether Delhi police who have branded two of their earlier contacts Irshad Ali and Mohammad Marouf Qamar as 'Al Badr Terrorists' would make amends to their steps ? Whether media would engage in a deep soul-searching about its complicity to join the powers that be in making 'terrorists' out of innocent people ? Neither it is possible to predict when would the process of 'terrorisation' and 'stigmatisation' of particular communities would end nor it is possible to predict when would the division of peoples in Holy Cows and Scapegoats would end.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the future of India as a republic is at stake here.]