
July 18, 2017

July issue of Newsletter of All India Secular Forum

Link http://www.csss-isla.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/SAN-July-2017-New-2.pdf SECULAR ACTION NETWORK Newsletter of All India Secular Forum Volume. 12 No.7 July 2017 C O N T E N T S 1. Forum News - Peace Now and Forever – Signature drive starts in Bhopal, 2. CSSS Activities - Seminar on Current Social and Political Scenario in India – Event for martyr’s day of Saheed Birsa Munda 3. Articles 86% Dead in Cow-related violence since 2010 are Muslim-Opium distributed on Whatsup (Hindi) 4. Not in My Name - Renuka Shahane’s gut-wrenching post will make you cry 5. Anguish of an Activist - Memories Buried Deep have come back to Haunt Me 6. Amity Festival 7. Inauguration of Khudai Khidmatgar’s Sabka Ghar 8. Suppression of opposition 9. Against Caste Violence. 10. Poems - Victim of Holy Cow 11. Indo-Pak Pece 12. Religion Muslim to Mosque attackers: Come on in 13. Memorandum for Peace 14. Protests - From the Editor’s Desk The lynching of young boy Junaid precipitated the mass protests against the politics of intolerance, the politics of murders in the name of Holy, in the form of mass protests, ‘Not in My Name’. It was organized in many cities of the country, Delhi, Mumbai, Bhopal Ranchi among others. It frightening to note that as per the statistics compiled by IndiaSpend from media reports in the period of 2010 to 2017, 97% of these incidents occurred after Modi took over as Prime Minister. The cow campaign has been the major instrument being used by BJP and company to polarize the society. Irrespective of the needs of the agricultural economy and trampling on the dietary habit of large section of people, this agenda is being stepped up for the political goals of Hindu nationalist politics. The laws are being made more stringent, the application is being rigid and the followers of this ideology have stepped up violence and intimidation. Hundreds of Cow vigilante groups have mushroomed and with state patronage they are undertaking these dastardly acts. The BJP leaders starting from Narendra Modi to some Chief ministers of states and other functionaries have made statements which encouraged vigilantes or have honored those allegedly involved in these lynching’s. This is what has resulted in increase in these acts. The police have also been slack and soft against the violators of law. While Muslims are the major victims, dalits also suffer in large numbers. The agrarian economy already under duress is wilting under pressure created by the hysteria around ‘Holy mother’. While Prime Minster makes bland speeches against the violence, those doing the violence know that they are safe and sound as it is their Government. The one claiming to be a powerful Prime Minster seems to either helpless or it’s a playacting. Ram Puniyani (Editor)