
March 23, 2014

Understanding the Phenomenon of Hindutva Terror | Subhash Gatade

Economic and Political Weekly, Vol - XLIX No. 13, March 29, 2014

Pawns In, Patrons Still Out: Understanding the Phenomenon of Hindutva Terror

by Subhash Gatade

It is necessary to initiate a discussion on Hindutva terrorism which has managed to keep itself largely out of the spotlight. Even with the availability of evidence spread over the entire country and over many years, it remains unacknowledged in the public discourse. Given this situation, we are still unsure as to how it will unfold itself in the future and should remain worried over the fact that despite gaining visibility, the whole phenomenon of Hindutva terror has not yet evoked commensurate response from the state as well as what is popularly known as civil society. Yes, pawns have been caught, actual planters of bombs and explosives have been apprehended, cases have been filed; but the real masterminds of Hindutva terror remain free. Revised

Subhash Gatade (subhash.gatade[at]gmail.com) is a writer and left activist associated with the New Socialist Initiative.

Revised version of a talk delivered at Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore on 6 June 2013.
